Day 1
15:00- 17:00 – Caucus concurrent women's, youth, bisexual, intersex
Caucus Women (Room Barbarella (I)
Size: Marlin Gonzalez (AHMNP – Association of Men and New Women of Panama) and Teresa Fernández (Network of Lesbian Women and Bisexual Cuba)
Caucus Youth (Room Barbarella II)
Size: Rubén Figueroa (Comcavis, El Salvador) and Jesusa Ramirez (Collective León Zuleta, Colombia)
Caucus Bisexual (Room Marielle Franco)
Chairs: Frank Arteaga (Hand Diverse, Bolivia), and Sandra Lopez Cañedo (LEDESER, Mexico)
Caucus Intersex (Room León Zuleta)
Moderator: Ceci Lopez Bemsch (Argentina Intersex)
17:00- 19:00 – Caucus simultaneous trans, gay, lesbian.
Caucus gay (Room Barbarella (I)
Size: Francisco Rodríguez Cruz (Humanity by the Diversity, Cuba) and Victor Wolf (ABGLT, Brazil)
Caucus lesbian (Room Barbarella II)
Size: Alehlí Ordonez (LEDESER, Mexico) and Florence Paltrinieri (Conurbanes for Diversity, Argentina)
Caucus trans (Room Marielle Franco)
Size: Collette Spinetti (CTU-Uruguay) and Alex Castillo (Network CATH+, Guatemala)
19:30- 21:00 – Social gathering welcome in the Japanese Garden,
organized in conjunction with the office of the Mayor City of La Paz and the
Council Citizen of the Diversity of Sexual and Gender of The
Day 2
09:00-10:00 hours– Ceremony of thanks to the Mother Earth and welcoming the institutional ILGA
World, ILGALAC and organizations to host Community Diversity and Colectivo TLGB of Bolivia. (Room Barbarella)
10:00 - 11:30 pm- Plenary 1 - The situation of the rights of LGBTI+ in
the region of Latin America and the Caribbean before the advance of the
projects fascist and neo-liberal.(Room Barbarella)
- Roberta Clarke (Rapporteur on the rights of LGBTI people before the IACHR)
- Greta Worth (owner INADI National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism, the Government of Argentina)
- Victor Wolf, Secretary of International Relations, ABGLT - Brazilian Association LGBT, Brazil
- Wilson Castañeda (Caribbean-Yes, Colombia)
- Aldo Dávila (Deputy of the Republic of Guatemala)
Moderator: Ari Vera Morales (Captive Souls, Mexico)
11:30 - 12:00 pm- Court for the coffee.
12:00 - 13:30 hours- Plenary 2 - Descolonizando our struggles and despatriarcalizando our bodies: experiences of activism and militancy by an agenda transfeminista, anti-racist and plurinational (Room Barbarella)
- David Aruquipa (Community, Diversity, Bolivia)
- Ana Eastern (GIN, Brazil)
- Silvia Tan (Fundación Triángulo, Spain)
- Amaranta Gómez Regalado (Coalition of Mexican LGBTTTI, Mexico)
- Monica Macha (National Representative and Chair of the Commission on Women, Equality and Diversity of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation)
Moderator: Dario Arias (Conurbanes for Diversity, Argentina)
13:30 - 14:30 hours- Lunch.
14:30 - 16:00 hours Plenary 3 – Gather before the pandemic: the role of the State, the regional mechanisms and international cooperation for the strengthening of the civil society organizations and the agendas of human rights. (Room Barbarella)
- Alba Wheel (Special Representative OSIG, Argentine ministry of foreign affairs)
- Doubt Salabert (Mp Federal, Brazil)
- Jose Angel Street, (Director of the Agency Extremaduran of International Cooperation for the Development of the Junta of Extremadura, Spain)
- Laura Velasco (Member of the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Adrian Eat (Coordinator of the International Program of Social Justice, Arcus Foundation, united States)
Moderator: Marcelo Ferreyra (Program Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Synergia)
16:00 - 16:30 hours- Court for the coffee.
16:30 - 18:00 hours- Exit to the Center of the City of la Paz.
18:00 - 20:00 hours- Opening ceremony Institutional in the House
Big Town, the Palace of the Central Government of the State
Plurinacional de Bolivia.
Day 3
09:00 –hours Exit to the Ethnographic Museum and Folk
10:00-hours Plenary 4 – Advances and challenges of the agenda of the sexual diversity and gender in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
- Silene Salazar Huarita (Network LB Bolivia)
- Maria Chantal Cuellar Movement (Trans Feminist)
- Frank Arteaga (Coalibol)
- Matthew Rodrigo Solar (the Movement for Trans Men)
- Comfort Torrico (group of Older Adults)
- Cesar Javier Moron Foundation (Equality)
Moderator: Rodolfo Vargas/Sasy Galan (Colectivo TLGB of Bolivia)
12:00 - 12:30 pm Group photo for the International Day of Visibility Lesbian. (San Francisco Park)
12:30 - 14:00-hours Free time for lunch in the Centre of the City of la Paz.
14:00 - 15:00-hours Return to the Hotel Casa Grande Suites .
15:00-16:30 hours - Workshops and concurrent sessions
- Governance 1 (Room Marielle Franco)
- Descolonizando our spiritualities. By: GIN-Global Interfaith Network (Room Lohana Berkins)
- Assessment and Mitigation of risks to the community LGBTI+ in applications of appointments. By: GRINDR for Equality (Hall Nancy Cardenas)
16:30-18:00 hours - Workshops and concurrent sessions 2
- Governance 2 (Room Marielle Franco)
- The resistance of the LGBTI movement+ in la via campesina. In charge of: LGBT MST Brazil (Room Lohana Berkins)
- Perspectives Argentina. By: Collective and institutions in argentina (Hall Nancy Cardenas)
18:00-19:00 hours - Space self-managed simultaneous
- Governance 3 (Room Marielle Franco)
- Network LESLAC – a Network of Organizations of Lesbian and Bisexual Women of Latin America and the Caribbean (Room Lohana Berkins)
- Study on the access to the vaccine of Covid-19 in LGBTI persons deprived of their liberty. By: Association for Communicating and Training Trans Women with HIV in El Salvador (COMCAVIS TRANS) (Hall Nancy Cardenas)
Day 4
09:00-10:30 hours- Plenary 5 – Combating violence toward the disagreement sex-génericas in Latin America and The Caribbean. (Room Barbarella)
- Christian King (Transsa, Dominican Republic)
- Luana Chaves (MST, Brazil)
- Ceci Lopez Bemsch (Argentina Intersex, Argentina)
- Indyra Mendoza (Cattrachas, Honduras)
- Edda Quirós Rodríguez (CIPAC, Costa Rica)
Moderator: George Hale (PROMSEX, Peru)
10:30-11:30 hours Plenary 6 – Nominations and Proposals. (Room Barbarella)
11:30-12:00-hours Court for the coffee.
12:00-13:30 hours- Plenary 7 - legal Developments and social LGBTI+ and good practices for the access to rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. (Room Barbarella)
- Nadia Cruz (Deputy minister of Equal Opportunities, the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia)
- Mariela Castro Espín (Deputy to the National Assembly and the Director of CENESEX, Cuba)
- Oyuki Martinez (Centre for the Support of Trans Identities, Mexico)
- Karina Nazábal (Councillor and Deputy Provincial Buenos Aires MC, Argentina)
- Boti García Rodrigo, Directora de Diversidad Sexual y Derechos LGBTI del Ministerio de la Igualdad, Gobierno de España
- Charlotte Schneider Callejas, Transcolombia, Directora Regional del Departamento para la Prosperidad Social del Gobierno de Colombia
Moderator: To confirm
13:30-14.30 hours- Lunch.
14:30-16:00 hours- Workshops and concurrent sessions 3
- Strategic litigation in the treaty bodies of the UN. By: ILGA World (Room Barbarella (I)
- People LGBTI+ deprived of freedom: a Report from the context of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. In charge of: Network Córpora in Freedom (Room Barbarella II)
- Political leadership, LGBTI+: Deepening democracy in order to strengthen equality. By: Caribbean Yes and Victory Institute (Room Marielle Franco)
- Perspectives Cuba. By: CENESEX-the National Center for Sex Education of Cuba. (Room Lohana Berkins)
16:00-17:30 hours- Workshops and concurrent sessions 4
- Intersectionality in practice: building partnerships between LGBTI and other movements for social justice, human rights and grassroots movements in the context of promotion of the UN. By ILGA WORLD (Room Barbarella (I)
- Moving on rights of older persons LGBTI+. By: CIPAC, Aspidh and SAGE. (Room Barbarella II)
- Policies to support youth LGBTI+ in Latin America and the Caribbean. By Plan International in Bolivia. (Room Marielle Franco)
- The joint regional strategic litigation: national Experiences and international Network of Litigants LGBTI+ of the Americas (Room Lohana Berkins)
17:30-19:00 - Workshops and concurrent sessions 5
- Presentation of the global database of ILGA. By ILGA World. (Room Barbarella (I)
- Perspectives Brazil. By: Collective and brazilian institutions. (Room Barbarella II)
- Sexual diversity in indigenous peoples. In charge of Community Diversity (Room Marielle Franco)
19:00- Output the Cultural Center of Spain
19:30 – Dialogues ibero-american: Progress and challenges in the construction of strategic alliances. In charge of Foundation Triangle and ILGALAC.
20:00- Screening of documentary film: Barbarella: Disctadura k encha”. (Cultural center of Spain)
21:00- Social program at the disco “Open Mind”.
Day 5
09:00-10:30 hours- Plenary 8 - The challenges of the agenda of the movement of the sexual diversity in Latin America and the Caribbean. (Room Barbarella)
- Rosanna Marzan (Diversity, Dominican, Dominican Republic)
- Shane Cienfuegos (OTD, Chile)
- Manu Mireles (Baccalaureate Popular Shemale Trans Mocha Celis, Argentina)
Moderator: Luz Elena Aranda Arroyo (Las Reinas Chulas BC, Mexico)
10:30 - 12:00 pm- Plenary 9 – Conclusions of the IX
Regional conference ILGALAC. (Room Barbarella)
12:00 - 13:00 hours – Closing. (Room Barbarella)
13:00- 14:00 hours- Lunch.
14:00 hours onwards- Return participants to their homes.