The approaches and perspectives to which the organization subscribes are the following:
- Human rights: the principle of equality and non-discrimination as a horizon, the prioritization of
the social groups most vulnerabilities, and the requirement of an active exercise of citizenship in the
management processes characterized in a general way this approach; it also implies thinking about the actor
political movement of the differences and disagreements sexual and gender as part
a member of the human rights movement, including among its objectives the search for
memory, truth and justice, peace-building and the strengthening of democracy.
Transfeminista: the consideration of the inequality of genders in each of the areas of the
social life and the deconstruction of the system “endocishéterosexista” as a matrix for political and social
the pillars of this perspective; the “desbinarización” approach to gender, and the recognition and
inclusion of trans people, lesbians, and queers as subject policies are central axes; the
horizontal construction and the building of networks are constituent elements of this look.
- Intersectional: this approach addresses the social issues from the interrelationship between
different dimensions of the subjects such as gender identity, sexual characteristics,
sexual orientation, ethnic origin, functional diversity, age range, a situation of mobility
human, territory and/or social class, among other categories; in this context, this perspective implies
think of approaches that attack the systems of oppression that create structural inequalities to
LGBTI people+ intertwined with other categories of identity.
- Intercultural: the membership of an organization of global reach, the geographical extension and the
diversity of the region require a strong commitment on the adoption of a perspective
respect of each of the contexts, cultures and constructions of local activism; the
recognition societies pluriétnicas and multinational has made great advances in our
region in recent years and contribute to strengthen this look; in this sense, the integration, the
equal access to information and the conditions for an equitable share of the
member organisations from each of the countries are key elements.
Anti-racist: considering that the people of african descent, persons belonging to
indigenous peoples and other vulnerable populations “racialized” have been victims of structural racism, the
neo-colonialism, and of the multiple discrimination, this approach is characterized by an attitude
proactive and sustained combat xenophobia and racism; the inclusion of this perspective should be
to be at every one of the actions to reverse the stigmatization and marginalization for reasons
ethnic racial.
- Latinoamericanista and the global southinequality, territorial, social and economic relationship between the north
global and the global south, strongly impacts on the population LGBTI+, as well as in the
movement of the diversity of sex and gender; in regard to the latter, the construction of
agendas, access to resources, and the symbolic valuation and policy organisations in the south
global and in particular in Latin America and the Caribbean are in permanent tension with the privileges
and perspectives neocolonial of an important sector of the activism in the global north; in this sense,
a perspective but with a strong Latin american identity and anchorage in the social struggles
of the peoples of the global south is a distinctive feature of the work of ILGALAC