Election of the Regional Council of ILGALAC, incluides them cosecretaries

They received 2 lists before the deadline

List 1:

Cosecretaries: Laura Paris and Natasha Jiménez Mata. Subregion Mexico: Laura Paris (Mexico), Laura Anahi Charles Gonzalez (Mexico). Subregion Central America: Natasha Jiménez Mata (Costa Rica), Alex Rodrigo Castillo Hernandez (Guatemala). Caribbean Sub-Region: Chris King (Dominican Republic). Andean Sub-Region: José Rodolfo Vargas (Bolivia), Julián Alejandro Parra Patiño (Venezuela). Subregion Brazil: Sayonara Nogueira (Brazil), Lirous K I Fonseca Avila (Brazil). Subregion Southern Cone: Collette Spinetti| (Uruguay), Deborah Macarena Cofré Suazo (Chile).

List 2:

Cosecretaries: Ari Vera Morales and Dario Arias. Subregion Mexico: Ari Vera Morales (Mexico), Alehlí Ordonez (Mexico). Subregion Central America: Marlin González (Panama). Caribbean Sub-Region: Francisco Rodríguez Cruz (Cuba), Malu Cano (Cuba). Andean Subregion: David Aruquipa-Danna Galán (Bolivia), Jorge Armando Virviescas (Colombia). Subregion Brazil: Victor Wolf Rodrigues Martins (Brazil), Aline Luana Oliveira Chaves (Brazil). Subregion Southern Cone: Dario Arias (Argentina), Shane Cienfuegos (Chile).

The presentation of les candidates and the elections will take place during a plenary session, which will be announced by the board of Directors.

Choice of them regional representatives of them steering Committees: Women, Trans, Intersex, Bisexual and Youth
  • Regional representative of the Steering Committee, Women: 2 nominations received

Cristina Gonzalez - The Pochi (Colombia); Teresa de Jesus Gonzalez (Cuba).

  • Regional representative of the Steering Committee Trans: 2 nominations received

Alejandra Collette Spinetti Nuñéz (Uruguay), 1 rejected for not being a member organization or a country, the jurisdiction of ILGALAC.

  • Regional representative of the Steering Committee Intersex: 2 nominations received

Ceci Lopez Bemsch (Argentina); Julian Parra (Venezuela).

  • Regional representative of the Steering Committee Bisexual: 2 nominations received

Alex Hernandez (Peru), José Luis Morales (Mexico).

  • Regional representative of the Steering Committee for Youth: 1 nomination received.
Verdeja, Juan Ignacio (Argentina).

The presentation of les candidates and the elections will take place during a plenary session, which will be announced by the board of Directors.
Election of the host organization of the X Regional Conference of ILGALAC

Have received 2 (two) nominations prior to the deadline for the city's hosting of the X Regional Conference: San Salvador (El Salvador) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The vote will take place on Thursday, April 27, 2023.


It reminds them members that only members of right that are up to date with the payment of membership dues are eligible to vote in the conference. Each organization is a full member shall have two votes, and may designate binds representative.

“Descolonizando nuestras luchas, despatriarcalizando nuestros cuerpos”